Donations enable Toccoa Life to continue serving mothers and educating families.
“Toccoa Life was the only place that I was receiving support from when I first got pregnant with my son. Although in my mid-twenties at the time and in college, I did not have family or even a supportive church to help prepare me for my first child. I felt blessed to be receiving such a precious gift from God, but had little financial resources at the time to provide for my baby.
Amanda came into my life as an emotional support. Through the classes provided, I was able to learn about my changing body and what to expect with a newborn. While gaining knowledge, I was also earning baby bucks to buy baby stuff for my son! What an added bonus! I went to these classes once a week until my son was born, and I was able to save enough baby bucks that I didn’t have to buy a single thing for his arrival.
Toccoa Life will provide if you put in the effort! I’m so thankful this ministry touched my life and celebrated the life of my son.
Please know that no matter what situation you are in: single, married, divorced, poor, unsure… Toccoa Life will be there for you to help counsel you through the hard times and celebrate with you in the good times. My son and I have been the recipients of extreme love.”
— Brandi
Financial contributions are tax deductible. 501(c)3 Non-profit Organization 58-1633595
Website by Solve Your Marketing & i6 Graphics
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